Genre: Jeunesse

Pages: 24

Date de parution: 1 March 2020

ISBN (Papier): 9782897501853

ISBN (ePub): 9782897501877

ISBN (PDF): 9782897501860

Code: BTN256



Illustré par: Alisa Arsenault
Auteur: Sanita Fejzić

Acheter ce livre

Two mothers, one son, a world full of love.


No, my son doesn’t have a father!

From the delivery room to the classroom, a woman whose motherhood is questioned explains: her son doesn’t have a father, but he’s got two moms. She is the other mother. A (m)other, but there was only room for one on the birth certificate. In the minds of some adults and kids, however, a father figure must be found.

Adapted from a 2018 CBC Poetry Prize shortlisted poem, this book tells, with tenderness and accuracy, the difficulties that homoparental families face in being accepted for who they are: loving families. 

Also available in French under the name Mère(s) et monde

Alisa Arsenault

[English follows.]

Alisa Arsenault est une artiste visuelle diplômée en estampe et en photographie de l’Université de Moncton. Elle expose en Acadie ainsi qu’au Québec, et elle a représenté sa province aux Jeux de la Francophonie à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire, en tant qu’artiste médiatique. 


Alisa Arsenault is a visual artist with a degree in printing and photography from the University of Moncton. She showcases her work in Acadie as well as in Québec, and she attended Les Jeux de la Francophonie in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire as a newsworthy artist. 


Sanita Fejzić

[English follows.]

Sanita Fejzić est une auteure canado-bosniaque primée. Son premier livre, Psychomachia, en latin « combat de l’âme », a été finaliste pour le concours de nouvelles de Ken Klonsky ainsi que pour le prix Canada ReLit 2018. Fejzić a publié ses poèmes et ses nouvelles dans diverses revues littéraires canadiennes. En 2018, son poème « (M)other » a été finaliste du prix de poésie Radio-Canada. Fejzić est en train d’achever son doctorat à l’université de Queen en études culturelles.

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Sanita Fejzić is an award-winning Bosnian-Canadian author. Her first book, Psychomachia, the war of souls in Latin, was a finalist for Ken Klonsky’s short story contest as well as for the 2018 Canada ReLit Award. Fejzić has published her poems and short stories in various Canadian literary journals. In 2018, her poem (M)other was a finalist for the Radio-Canada poetry prize. Fejzić is currently finishing her Doctorate of Cultural Studies at Queen’s University. 
